My Journal: June 24th, 2022 – Family Time

Been a busy past few days so I haven’t had a chance to check in like normal but it has been for good reason. Between work and preparing for the arrival of my sister and nephew to GA, I have been buried. One day everything will slow down a bit but it’s just been a busy time for me lately.

So as I mentioned, my sister and my nephew are here visiting from Maryland because my nephew has a baeeball tournament. I have been thoroughly enjoying them these first few days because I don’t get to see them often, I believe that the last time was 5 years ago. That’s the one part I hate the absolute most about living here in GA, just the being away from my family and us missing out on them growing and all that and them missing the same from us.

My nephew is growing to be a fine young man and I’m supremely proud of him and all he is doing. My sister and brother-in-law are doing a fantastic job as parents to all 3 of my nephews. It’s also been amazing spending time with my baby sis, it feels like old times when we used to hang out all the time. She was telling nephew how I used to drop any and everything for her if she called me back in the day and I remember all of that so vividly, even left a date or 2, mid date, cause I’m like yo my baby sister needs me, sorry ma. I tried to do that for all of my siblings but had more of an opportunity with her because we were a little closer in age so it was easier but I did it for our other sister, my munchkin, too as she got older. As a big brother I pride myself on being there for my siblings.

Again, it’s been great and I’m loving seeing my kids interact with them too because I tell them all the time, they have so many people that love them endlessly and unfortunately because of the distance they don’t know them that well but we hope that as our life and financial situation is improving, we can start traveling and visiting more often so they can get to know all of their amazing family. We all sat around last night in the living room watching and laughing at Parking Wars, which is a show I love to death, and it was just great to be together as a family. My wife also is such a dope sister and aunt, she is so embracing of my family and they ABSOLUTELY love her and always have, like since day one so it’s always good to see that too. Watching her with our nephew and then seeing her and sis talking and laughing about stuff is dope. Like they were having a mother/wife convo and it was funny to see them relating to stuff and laughing about things only mothers could truly understand.

So again, I am in personal heaven right now and I’m going to enjoy every bit of this week that I have them here. I love family so much, it’s such a huge part and piece of who I am and I’m so thankful for mine. I am so happy that my father and my stepmother met and married and blessed me with my 2 wonderful sisters, whom my stepmoms already had previously, because since we all met we’ve been brother and sister, even before our parent actually married. In the deal I ended up getting a fantastic 2nd Mom, 2 sisters, 2 brothers-in-law (that I love and am so happy my sisters are with), 3 dope nephews and an amazing niece…again, blessed!!! Well I gotta get some rest cause I’m on the grill tomorrow….✌🏾 ❤️

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