My Journal: October 2, 2023 – Is It Time For Christmas Music?

Why yes it is!!! Sorry to just jump in there like that but, yes, it is time for me and Christmas music to reunite like we do at the start of every October.

October 1st marks the official start of my favorite time of the year and also when I start listening to Christmas music. It’s a bit of a family tradition/staple so if you don’t and you have to wait to listen, do your thing, but I’m not, I’m all in! I didn’t have the chance to start listening yesterday because it was Sunday, I was watching football all day and working on my NBA2K24 rosters as well as being taco-watsed from the A-Team Taco Night on Saturday, but I made up for it today.

Started it off with one of my newfound favorites and that is “My Favorite Time Of Year” by Dru Hill (above). This wasnt planned that way, it’s just that it’s the first song in my playlist and just HAPPENS to speak to exactly what I just mentioned in the first paragraph and that is that this is my favorite time of year and that isn’t just Christmas themed like the song and the video illustrate, but in general.

I love the fall, it’s the best and it always has been for me ever since I was a kid. I mean from Halloween, to my birthday in early November, then Thanksgiving, Christmas and even New Year’s…October 1st marks the beginning of a great 3 month time frame that I love when it arrives and hate when it is over. Football and basketball season, that chill in the air, the colors and the leaves falling, which have already started to fall from the trees around my house. I was even telling my wife yesterday that as I was sitting on the couch, I saw the leaves falling outside the window and I just smiled because I just love it.

I hate the summer because I hate being hot, not too fond of spring because it’s always raining and that damn pollen, winter is cool…to a degree, but ain’t nothing like the fall. I mean just in a nostalgic sense it takes me back to trick or treating, all my TV shows and cartoons I used to watch coming back for new seasons, especially when they returned with those 2nd part of cliffhanger episodes. I think about raking leaves and then jumping in them, I think about watching TV specials for each of the holidays and man, it’s just great and brings me so much joy.

So as I enjoy this season, feel free to join me with the Christmas music, whenever you’d like of course, and listen to any of my 3 playlists located on YouTube and YouTube Music (below). But let me go out back and breathe in some of that fall air and take a look at my lawn as I only have a few more cuts left this season, yall be easy! ✌🏾 ❤️ 1️⃣

YouTube / YouTube Music
YouTube / YouTube Music
YouTube / YouTube Music

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